Year-wise Electricity Generation in India

Year-wise generation of electricity in India in Billion units from conventional sources and renewable energy sources.

Year Generation from Conventional Sources Generation from Renewable Sources Total Generation
(BU) (BU) (BU)
2008-09 723.794 27.860 751.654
2009-10 768.429 36.947 805.376
2010-11 811.143 39.245 850.387
2011-12 876.887 51.226 928.113
2012-13 912.057 57.449 969.506
2013-14 967.150 53.050 1,020.200
2014-15 1,048.673 61.719 1,110.392
2015-16 1,107.822 65.781 1,173.603
2016-17 1,160.141 81.548 1,241.689
2017-18 1,206.306 101.839 1,308.146