National Offshore Wind Power Policy
The National Offshore Wind Power Policy was issued in October 2015 for providing the basic framework for developing the offshore wind sector.

The salient features of the policy are:
- Offshore wind energy development, including, setting up of demonstration, pilot and commercial projects, research & development activities, in waters up to 200 nautical miles (EEZ of the country) from the baseline.
- Fiscal incentives available to onshore wind will also be made available to offshore wind power projects.
- Allocation of sea bed for development of offshore wind energy through international competitive bidding (ICB).
Post notification of the policy, Government, through National Institute of Wind Energy, has issued ‘Guidelines for Offshore Wind Power Assessment Studies and Surveys’ to enable private investors to carryout offshore wind resource assessment.
Further, Government is carrying out offshore wind resource assessments and related studies through National Institute of Wind Energy to validate the offshore wind resource potential in identified locations off the coast of Gujarat and Tamil Nadu.