State-wise Wind Power Potential in India

The wind resource assessment conducted by the National Institute of Wind Energy indicates an estimated wind power potential of about 695.5 GW at 120 meter and 1164 GW at 150 meter above ground level in India.


However, the wind resource is highly site specific and its commercially exploitable potential is available majorly in eight states.

State At 120 m At 150 m
Andhra 74.90 123.33
Gujarat 142.56 180.79
Karnataka 124.15 169.25
Madhya 15.40 55.42
Maharashtra 98.21 173.86
Rajasthan 127.75 284.25
Tamil Nadu 68.75 95.10
Telangana 24.83 54.71
Others 18.95 27.14
Total 695.5 1163.85